
A list of my on-going/past side projects can be found here.

  • MagDrop4 (autonomous Connect4 playing machine) [demo video]: It competed against humans on a physical game board, detecting human moves through IR sensors, and responding using game decision logic (minimax w/ alpha-beta pruning). Beat all of the creators, the professors, and GSIs that tried the robot. Perhaps a skill issue on our part?
  • Pobert (accelerated ray tracer in rust) [github repository]: Finished a base CPU implementation in rust of Ray Tracing In One Weekend by Peter Shirley, currently porting it over to Rust-CUDA. Also doing a CPU version of Ray Tracing: the Next Week.
  • TIME-II (university club project) [project website]: This is an experiment to investigate microgravity impacts on antibiotics. I took over the hardware systems, and interface with our launch provider to meet requirements and handle logistics. Launch date: pending.
  • BigBrain (hobbyist EEG in <50 USD) [showcase]: Performed analog signal processing and amplification before reading and plotting waveform data. Made during the HOPE DeCal @ Berkeley with Siddharth Mishra while having a great time not knowing what we were doing, till we did it.
  • Localised FM Digital Audio Broadcasting using WiFi Mesh Networks: [preprint][IEEEXplore]: paper investigating effectiveness of FM audio data transmission using a WiFi mesh-network of transmitters; turns out it can be ridiculously effective. Presented at IEEE ICECCT 2021; finalist at IRIS.
  • Prepto (quizup-style app for competitive / standardized exam prep) [github]: It lets you compete against other students in real-time and gamifies improvement. Won the AngelHack Delhi AWS prize and runners up overall.